
When Vaping What is Inhaled?

When you take a drag from an electronic cigarette, you are inhaling a vapour that contains vegetable glycerine, propylene glycol, nicotine, and flavouring made from food grade ingredients.

When Vaping What is Inhaled?

When you take a drag from an electronic cigarette, you are inhaling a vapour that contains vegetable glycerine, propylene glycol, nicotine, and flavouring made from food grade ingredients.

When Vaping Started?

Although the precise 'birth' of objects and concepts that resemble the modern cigarette is debatable, it is generally accepted that either Joseph Robinson's 1930 patent or Herbert A. Gilbert's 1965...

When Vaping Started?

Although the precise 'birth' of objects and concepts that resemble the modern cigarette is debatable, it is generally accepted that either Joseph Robinson's 1930 patent or Herbert A. Gilbert's 1965...